3 days, 3 nights

premiere March 28th 2024 au Théâtre Jean Vilar, Louvain-la-Neuve

In 3 jours , 3 nuits, Louise Vanneste offers us a choreography that is both human and geological. On a virtually bare stage, she enters into a physical and emotional bond with a fictional, non-human community. Through the prism of geological phenomena such as the metamorphism of minerals, the chemical functioning of fire, photosynthesis and the formation of a storm, states of presence are formed, characterized by a dynamic in constant modulation, between the determination and indetermination of a body, a figure and matter. 

The scenography is based on the notions of Touring and light diffraction, sometimes evoking a tangible geology, sometimes the abstract territory of a choreography.

The sound, electronic and spatialized, includes a literary framework in the form of a choreographic testimony that contrasts, complements, puts in tension, or even replaces the body. The literalness of a text that bears witness to a body in movement broadens the choreographic imprint offered to the audience.  

From these choreographic, thematic, sound and visual challenges, a science-fictional epic without anticipation is woven, simultaneously evoking the geological and the human, the temporality of day and night. 

Concept & choreography
Louise Vanneste

In collaboration with
Sound: Cédric Dambrain
Dramaturgy: Sara Vanderieck
Set design and lighting: Arnaud Gerniers
Artistic collaboration: Paula Almiron & Anja Röttgerkamp
Touring, production & administration: Alma Office – Alix Sarrade & Andrea Kerr

Production: Louise Vanneste / Rising Horses
Coproduction: Charleroi danse, Pole Sud CDCN Strasbourg
With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles